Educational programming begins with communication and collaboration between administrators, committee members, facility users (faculty, staff & students) and the general public. Creating the facilities that make up the functional environment is what we at Brannon Corp. specialize in, and we are committed to excellence in educational design.
With hundreds of educational projects completed, Brannon Corp. is well-versed in designing innovative solutions for a variety of academic facilities. Our engineering professionals know the building codes and regulations associated with school facilities and are familiar with the trends in classroom design. We’re aware of your concerns about cost control/value engineering and energy efficiency, and we have a record of delivering quality projects on time.Educational Campus
Critical engineering elements in athletic facilities include air quality, temperature and humidity control, lighting, acoustics, usability and adaptability. From feasibility studies to MEP design to commissioning services, and more, Brannon Corp.'s team is experienced in sports and recreation facility projects for both the public and private sectors.
Spectators and participants alike appreciate our attention to detail in an environment that provides safety, security, and comfort.
The Brannon Corp. is a leader in recreational and park facility planning, design and implementation. We have successfully completed many municipal recreation and park facilities throughout Texas, encompassing a wide range of budgetary, environmental constraints, schedule limitations, and public input and participation. We understand what it takes to bring a successful park facility together.
Brannon Corp. approaches parks and recreation facility design uniquely, with a focus on community based input to the design process. We have found this approach to result in the most cost-effective and user-friendly facilities that most completely meet the needs and expectations of the community. Brannon Corp.'s involvement in the construction phase also serves to insure the accurate and complete construction of facilities that provide the long-lasting benefits to the community.